At MMR, we shape our Investment Recovery services to fit the unique challenges of your project or organization. We’re here to guide you in pinpointing, planning, & getting the best value from your surplus materials.
Whether you need a hand with just a part of the process or want us to handle it all, we’ve got you covered.

Inventory – 

MMR creates an official inventory for your items.

Sync –

Sync your inventory and data with MMR for faster turnarounds.

Automate –

MMR creates a repetitive trigger based on need or time.

Identify Materials

We help clients understand their inventory and identify which materials are ready to move on to the next phase of their lifecycle. Whether your materials need to be dispositioned, an existing inventory needs to be processed, or a specific event triggers a need, we can help you better understand and make more informed decisions about your surplus materials.

We’ve Seen It All

No matter where your surplus is located – in a warehouse, refinery, gas plant, power generation station, compressor station, sprawling across a yard, or in shipping containers – our experienced Investment Recovery Advisors have likely navigated similar situations. You can rely on our expertise for time-efficient and practical solutions to ever-evolving challenges.

Recover Value –

MMR identifies how to recover the max value.

Strategy –

MMR creates a tailored strategy to efficiently recover max value.

Analysis –

MMR analyzes your materials and provides actionable insights.

Create a Course of Action

MMR is here to assist you in maximizing value, exploring the best choices, and crafting an action plan for the perfect timing to manage your asset disposition.

Extract The Value

Utilize our expertise to bring your material to auction, market to internal or external buyers, or find the most appropriate way to recycle the materials. Our expertise helps you avoid costs and landfills and bolsters your project’s bottom line.

Fully Customized

Our services are flexible and tailored to your specific needs, be it aligning with a particular business process, adhering to safety standards, managing financial controls, or adhering to environmental concerns. Your dedicated Investment Recovery Advisor is always ready to ensure that every aspect of the process is managed seamlessly and efficiently.

Auction –

Sell your items via action to our network of registered buyers.

Market –

Allow MMR to market your assets to interested buyers.

Recycle –

MMR finds the most efficient recycling solution for highest return.

Incentivized To Maximize Your Returns

At MMR, our commission-based services are designed to align our goals with yours: achieving the best outcomes for your materials. We go a step further by passing on any cost savings to you. This approach ensures that our team becomes an integral part of yours, working tirelessly to enhance your returns.

Trust The Experts

Our `Investment Recovery Advisors are not just skilled; they’re creative problem-solvers committed to giving your materials a new, responsible lease on life. Partnering with MMR means direct access to these experts, all dedicated to maximizing your material’s value and advancing your environmental objectives.

Get the Whole Team

Choosing MMR means gaining an entire team of professionals committed to your project’s success. Whether supplementing your existing IR team or stepping in for a specific project, we’re prepared to represent your interests and deliver outstanding results.

Why MMR?

Environmental Focus

Our mission is to make sustainability attainable for every company. We bring this to life daily by finding markets for materials to be repurposed beyond their initial use. By actively promoting the continuation of material lifecycles, we help substantially lower Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. The effect not only aids in reducing your environmental footprint but also plays a crucial role in meeting all your environmental goals.

Create or Supercharge Your IR Department

Quickly establish or enhance your IR Department with a single call to Material Management Resources. We offer full support including inventory management, specialized services, expert advice, and an expanded buyer network to maximize returns.

Minimal Disruptions To Your Operations

Our goal is to enhance the value of your excess assets while ensuring your operations remain uninterrupted. Our Investment Recovery Advisors are experts in implementing strategies that limit on-site disruptions and minimize asset relocation, thus saving costs and boosting returns.

How It Works

Experience a streamlined onboarding process. With our detailed, step-by-step guide, discover how to begin your investment recovery journey effortlessly.

Speak with an Advisor

Ready to go? Click here to speak with an advisor and start getting a return on your surplus assets.